From being shortlisted for a “World’s Best Schools” Prize to landing major global innovation awards, we are incredibly proud of the global recognition our work has been receiving…
Our work has been recognised by some of the world’s most respected publications.
“On the implementing side, the government of Ghana has contracted three main service providers to do the work — Street Child UK, Plan International, and Rising Academies, which is partnering with Ghanaian NGO, School for Life.”
— DEVEX, March 2023
“Radio lessons are the most scalable option for distance learning in Liberia, according to George Cowell, managing director of Rising Academies in Liberia. While students in many other countries access remote lessons online, internet connectivity is unavailable for much of Liberia’s rural population.”
— Al Jazeera, April 2020
“My last-but-one stop, Cecelia A Dunbar school in Freeman Reserve, close to Monrovia, is run by Rising Academy...Perhaps I arrive on a good day but, for my money, it is the best of the lot.”
— Financial Times, April 2017
“Two operators come out of the evaluation with their reputations enhanced. One is Rising Academies, which was founded in Sierra Leone in 2014 to teach children during the Ebola crisis.”
— The Economist, January 2020
“The biggest difference [is] in the level of humility and curiosity with which each organization seem to approach its role in the educational ecosystem. Rising asks questions and invites feedback; Bridge seems certain it has the answers.”
— Quartz, January 2018
“It was inspiring to meet teenage children –students of Rising Academies who are sons and daughters of street traders, stone crushers and car drivers – and hear first-hand of their ambitions to be accountants, engineers, doctors and journalists.”
— Nick O’Donohoe, CEO, CDC Group, September 2018
“Rising Academies, a fast-growing education company in Africa, works with the village-based government school to do everything from improving its teaching and learning to implementing more humane disciplinary practices—and now implementing this child-directed learning program.”
— Forbes, February 2023
“Rising Academies is addressing the maths education crisis in sub-Saharan Africa using ‘Rori‘, a chat-based virtual maths tutor that operates on affordable mobile phones in areas with limited connectivity.”
— ICT Works, September 2023